Lawrence North Resources
- Absences
- Handbook
- Health
- Media Center
- ParentSquare
- Personal Communication Devices
- Student Parking Application
- Visitors
- Volunteers
- Alumni
- Summer Reading for English Courses
Each student and parent or guardian is expected to take school attendance seriously. To report
an absence and/or a tardy call the attendance line, 1-317-964-7705, available 24 hours daily. When leaving a message, please give the following:
- Your name, phone number, and relationship to the student (must be the legal guardian)
- Student's name, spell student's name (first and last)
- Dates and reasons for absence (if calling for an appointment, state type of appointment and release time.)
- Please speak loudly so the machine will not cut you off.
Media Center
The Shared System is an interlibrary collaboration between The Indianapolis Public Library, 59 schools, and five special libraries. The System allows members and students to use their IndyPL Library cards to borrow materials from their own library, other Shared System libraries, as well as IndyPL's collection.
Stay Connected with ParentSquare
MSD of Lawrence Township uses ParentSquare for school communication, primarily with email, text and app notifications. ParentSquare automatically generates an account for each parent, using their preferred email address and phone number. We encourage parents to access their accounts so they can download the mobile app and update their preferences on when and how they are notified.
We promise to only send you information closely related to school. You can opt-out at anytime. Contact your child's school for more information about opting-out from our communications.
ParentSquare Overview for Parents
ParentSquare Overview in SPANISH
Download ParentSquare App
Personal Communication Devices
During the 2024 spring legislative session, Senate Bill 185 on Student Use of Wireless Communication Devices passed into law and has gone into effect. This Bill requires schools to adopt and implement a personal communication device policy that governs personal cell phone usage during instruction.
Following stakeholder survey the Board of Education adopted policy on July 22, 2024 establishing that:
Personal Communication Devices (PCDs) including cell phones and smart watches must be turned off, put away, and undetectable during instructional time unless:
- Teachers authorize use for educational purposes
- In the event of an emergency
- The device is used to manage student health care
- Use in included in a 504 plan or Individualized Education Plan (IEP)
This information is included in all student handbooks.
The Lawrence North PFO supports our teachers and students in these two main ways:
- Planning and hosting teacher appreciation and hospitality events
- Supporting the academic excellence of all students by providing funding for academic support (e.g. funding paid tutors at the “After-MAC” so that all of our students have access to free tutoring after school)
We raise funds via a donation drive (see information below), selling spirit wear, and collecting Box Tops.
We recognize that everyone is busier in high school and many families already support Lawrence North in other ways (sports team boosters, performing arts, clubs, etc.). But the PFO still welcomes and needs your help however you can – by donating items, helping at an event, or serving on a committee.
PFO Officers:
President – Sonya Rush
Vice President – Mary Farucci
Treasurer – Gabe Hayne
Secretary – Stacia Kurowski
Lawrence North's PFO is committed to supporting the academic achievement of all LN students. This will be our fourth year of a new donation drive to fund the Campaign for Academic Excellence. Our goal is to raise $7,500 this school year to provide academic resources--such as after-school tutoring in the MAC, SAT/ACT preparation classes, and teacher grants - to support our students and staff. A suggested donation amount is $20 per student, but any amount is welcome and appreciated.
Thank you, in advance, for your support!
PFO Meetings
Everyone is welcome! Meetings will be held in the Media Center, unless otherwise noted. Even if you can't be there, you are a valuable part of the PFO network - BUT, we'd love to have you join us if you can!
Here are the 2024-2025 Meeting Dates:
- Monday, November 18, 2024 - 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
- Monday, February 3, 2025 - 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
- Monday, March 10, 2025 - 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
- Monday, April 21, 2025 - 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Student Parking Application
After the first two weeks of school, we welcome your visit to your child's classroom. Pre-arranged classroom visits by parents are encouraged and welcomed.
We also welcome parents to come and eat lunch with their student in the All Star Cafe. Parents may either eat hot lunch from the cafeteria or bring a sack lunch from home. Please do not bring in food from a restaurant for you and your child.
All visitors should sign in at the office and wear a guest or volunteer badge.
For your child's safety and education, we cannot allow parents to just walk into the classroom unexpectedly. Thank you for your support in providing a safe environment for our children.
All visitors to school buildings are required to complete a SafeSolutions background check upon entry.
- All visitors must report to the school office to provide identification, sign in, and receive a visitor’s badge before entering the school.
- Visitors should not park in the bus lanes. Visitors are welcome for lunch, but a reservation must be made by 9 a.m. on the morning of the visit.
- Although classroom visits are encouraged, mutually agreed upon times must be coordinated between the teacher and the visitor.
- Volunteers should not use the visit as a time to meet or talk with the teacher about a student’s progress. The teacher must keep his/her attention focused on the entire class. Appointments should be scheduled for family / teacher conferences.
- Volunteers are welcomed and appreciated. A wide variety of opportunities are available at your child’s school. Please check with your child’s school or teacher to learn more about the volunteering opportunities.
- Volunteers are at school to complete a certain task within a predetermined time limit. Volunteers must only participate in what was arranged with the teacher or school.
- Volunteers who work with students will be required to complete and have an approved criminal history background check prior to working in the school.
Volunteer forms are accessible by clicking the links MSDLT Volunteer Forms in the Quick Links to the right.
*A NEW Volunteer from will need to be completed EVERY Year
If you have questions, please contact your child's school.
The MSD of Lawrence Township and the Lawrence Township School Foundation (LTSF) want to know what is happening with you! Check out the most recent Alumni eNewsletters from LTSF and make share to share your good news.
Distinguished Alumni
The MSD of Lawrence Township is accepting nominations for Distinguished Alumni from Lawrence Central High Schools. With this award, we recognize those outstanding alumni who have displayed extraordinary gifts of leadership, achieved recognition for their professional expertise, attained success in their field of endeavor, and provided service to their community and/or LT Schools.
Click here to nominate a Lawrence North Distinguished Alum.
High School Yearbooks Online
Through a partnership with the Indianapolis Public Library, the Lawrence Central High School yearbooks through 2006 are now available online.
This collection is made possible by Friends of the Library through gifts to The Indianapolis Public Library Foundation.